
The congregation is administered by: Chaplains Warden – George Heughan, People’s Warden – Roger Thomas, Deputy Warden – Mac Mackay, Secretary – Carolyn Goodfellow, Treasurer – Pam Van Halteren. The property is vested in three trustees, according to the deed of property agreement.  They are George Heughan, Mac Mackay and Roger Thomas.

The building was consecrated by the Anglican Bishop of Quebec in 1922, but the property has never been included in the Diocese of Quebec. (Historical Sketch, Church of St Peter on the Rock, Maud Pope, 1950.)

There is a small burial ground adjacent to the church. The trustees of the Burial Ground are Mac Mackay and George Heughan.

We hold an annual congregational meeting each year.  Our Secretary can provide the date of the meeting as it becomes available.